LENS: The Berkshire Eagle: interview/article with Dr. Peter May
1 Hour Radio Interview on LENS: John Hurst, MD & Peter May, DC
Cripe, C. T. (2006). Effective use of LENS unit as an adjunct to cognitive neuro-developmental training. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(2-3), 79-87.
Donaldson, C. C. S., Sella, G. E., & Mueller, H. H. (1998). Fibromyalgia: A retrospective study of 252 consecutive referrals. Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine, 5 (6), 116-127.
Esty, M. L. (2006). Reflections on FMS treatment, research, and neurotherapy: Cautionary tales. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(2-3), 63-68.
Hammond, D. C. (Ed.). LENS: The Low Energy Neurofeedback System. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Medical Press.
Hammond, D. C. (2007). Can LENS neurofeedback treat anosmia resulting from a head injury? Journal of Neurotherapy, 11(1), 57-62.
Kravitz, H. M., Esty, M. L., Katz, R. S., & Fawcett, J. (2006). Treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome using low-intensity neurofeedback with the Flexyx Neurotherapy System: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Neurotherapy,10(2-3), 41-58.
Larsen, S., Harrington, K., & Hicks, S. (2006). The LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System): A clinical outcomes study of one hundred patients at Stone Mountain Center, New York. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(2-3), 69-78.
Larsen, S., Larsen, R., Hammond, D. C., Sheppard, S., Ochs, L., Johnson, S., Adinaro, C., & Chapman, C. (2006). The LENS neurofeedback with animals. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(2-3), 89-104.
Mueller, H. H., Donaldson, C. C. S., Nelson, D. V., & Layman, M. (2001). Treatment of fibromyalgia incorporating EEG-driven stimulation: A clinical outcomes study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(7), 933-952.
Ochs, L. (2006). The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS): Theory, background, and introduction. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(2-3), 5-39.
Ochs, L. (2006). Comment on the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome using low-intensity neurofeedback with the Flexyx Neurotherapy System: A randomized controlled clinical trial, or how to go crazy over nearly nothing. Journal of Neurotherapy,10(2-3), 59-61.
Larsen, Stephen. The Healing Power of Neurofeedback, LENS the evolutionary approach.
Larsen, Stephen. The Neurofeedback Solution: How to Treat Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Stroke, PTSD, and More
Hammond, Cory. LENS, the Low Energy Feedback System.